1st Quarter 2012

As suspected, the first part of the year has flown by.  Progress continues to be made in Mexico City, and accreditation is closer with every visit.  The Association of Crime Scene Reconstruction conference was held in Monterey California in February and was a success by all accounts.  In addition to the webmaster duties I was pleased to be elected to the board of directors and look forward to the two year term.  That meeting was followed by the American Academy of Forensic Sciences conference in Atlanta Georgia.  It was a great surprise to run into some of my students and friends from Paraguay.  Finally, March was kicked off with Green Forensics’ first Crime Scene Analysis and Reconstruction class.  It was held at the Washington State Patrol Academy and 15 members of the crime scene response team completed the training.  It was a great week and I enjoyed working with my old teammates.   Please check back soon for a more detailed description of the class and some photos!